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"HOW TO GET THE MOST OUT OF THIS SERIES: How to Survive the Coming Apocalypse - What You Can Do and What You Need to Know”

"HOW TO GET THE MOST OUT OF THIS SERIES: How to Survive the Coming Apocalypse - What You Can Do and What You Need to Know”

“HOW TO GET THE MOST OUT OF THIS SERIES: How to Survive the Coming Apocalypse - What You Can Do and What You Need to Know” Most people have heard about “The Apocalypse”. Few, outside of the Christian Church, have heard about the “Seven Years of Tribulation” mentioned in the Book of Revelations. Some have even heard about the “Last Trumpet” that will sound before the “end of the world”, but most do not understand how it all fits together. “The Apocalypse” is more than just a big battle between “the forces of darkness and the forces of good”. It is more than a world war involving China, Russia and other Eastern nations in conflict against the nation of Israel. It is more than the “Beast” and the “anti-christ”. It is so much more. It IS the “Great Reset”. It IS the “Great Cleansing”. It DOES have “Biblical proportions” that we ALL need to pay attention to! There are twelve episodes in this series. It is NOT specifically about “religion”, but it IS about YOUR survival in the times ahead. These episodes are factual, intellectual and informative. They are not “entertainment” or filled with “stupid pet videos”. They are NOT “You Tube Shorts” or “Face Book Reels”, and they CLEARLY are NOT going to be found on TicToc. These videos are educational in nature, but that does not mean that they are boring. By the end of these twelve episodes, you will have ACTIONABLE sets of plans and decisions that you can follow. ==============================================All of our Original Praise and Worships songs are available on SongSelect and are licensed for use by Churches Worldwide with CCLI (Christian Copyright Licensing International) and ASCAP (American Society of Composer and Publishers). If you like this song would you consider forwarding it to your Worship Leader or Pastor and ask them to consider adding it to your Church’s Worship Song List? Truth matters. You can trust that our Songs are scripture-based and are Biblically, theologically and foundationally solid. The message(s) in each song is Scripturally accurate and worthy of being a “stand-alone” sermon or teaching! We are 100% Born-Again, Spirit-filled Christians and we do not support: • the ecumenical One-World One-Church Movement, • the teaching/appearance of Gold Dust or Angel’s Feathers in Church meetings, • the false doctrine of “grave sucking” or gaining spiritual power by sleeping on top of the graves of dead people, • the use of spirit tour guides, astral projections or other “strange fire” doctrines, or • the beliefs, ideologies and heresies presented by many well-known mega “churches” and musical groups. ALL of our Christian Praise and Worship Song Library is available on CCLI's Song Select in English and Spanish. If you do not find the song that you are looking for, search and look for “Artist Name” = Steven A Wylie and/or “Catalog Name = Surrendered Heart Music”. For more Information, please visit us at: (Visit our Church Web Site): CCLI Song Select (Music Only - English) : CCLI Song Select Video (English) site: CCLI Song Select Video (Spanish) site: Our Church Face Book: Our Personal Face Book: Digital Books and Study Guides: Our Church Site in Colombia: Our Church Site in Stockton, California: Pastor Diana’s Podcasts in Spanish : Spotify: Search for “Jonni Believer” Amazon Music: Search for “Jonni Believer” Hardcopy Books on Amazon and Kindle: Search for “Dr. Steven A Wylie” MORE ABOUT US: (Who We Are): New Harvest Revival Center (The Church is located in): Stockton, California (Call us): Whatsapp +1-307-529-1594 (Visit our Web Site):
EPISODE 1 – “HAVE A PLAN: THE APOCALYPSE" -  How You Can Survive and Thrive

EPISODE 1 – “HAVE A PLAN: THE APOCALYPSE" - How You Can Survive and Thrive

When people say, "Jesus is coming back", we understand what that means but we don't really understand what that involves. So I'm going to … again, this will be the first time out that I'm doing this so it's very unscripted. It probably won't be very smooth or very polished and I don't plan on using a lot of Graphics or fancy editing and production and things like that. You're going to get it from my heart to your ears and you decide. You be the judge. Nobody has perfect understanding of the Scriptures. I certainly don't. I believe I have some pretty good Revelation and some Rhema word as to what's going to be happening and where I think the church is. In this first episode I want to do an introduction to you to let you know what I plan on sharing with you and if it's something that you have an interest in then stay tuned and I will continue with the teaching. As we go on everything that we're going to be talking about and we're going to revisit some real popular and well-known verses of scripture. Everything that I'm going to share with you must line up with the rest of the Bible. No Scripture is open for private interpretation and I don't believe that I am interpreting the Bible in my own way and I'll document and I'll share my sources and talk with you as we go through. I hope that you will walk away from this series having had some of your opinions changed, or at least challenged and maybe you will even say, "I thought that I was the ONLY one who thought like this!" Be blessed! Pastor Steven All of our Original Praise and Worships songs are available on SongSelect and are licensed for use by Churches Worldwide with CCLI (Christian Copyright Licensing International) and ASCAP (American Society of Composer and Publishers). If you like this song would you consider forwarding it to your Worship Leader or Pastor and ask them to consider adding it to your Church’s Worship Song List? Truth matters. You can trust that our Songs are scripture-based and are Biblically, theologically and foundationally solid. The message(s) in each song is Scripturally accurate and worthy of being a “stand-alone” sermon or teaching! We are 100% Born-Again, Spirit-filled Christians and we do not support: • the ecumenical One-World One-Church Movement, • the teaching/appearance of Gold Dust or Angel’s Feathers in Church meetings, • the false doctrine of “grave sucking” or gaining spiritual power by sleeping on top of the graves of dead people, • the use of spirit tour guides, astral projections or other “strange fire” doctrines, or • the beliefs, ideologies and heresies presented by many well-known mega “churches” and musical groups. ALL of our Christian Praise and Worship Song Library is available on CCLI's Song Select in English and Spanish. If you do not find the song that you are looking for, search and look for “Artist Name” = Steven A Wylie and/or “Catalog Name = Surrendered Heart Music”. For more Information, please visit us at: (Visit our Church Web Site): CCLI Song Select (Music Only - English) : CCLI Song Select Video (English) site: CCLI Song Select Video (Spanish) site: Our Church Face Book: Our Personal Face Book: Digital Books and Study Guides: Our Church Site in Colombia: Our Church Site in Stockton, California: Pastor Diana’s Podcasts in Spanish : Spotify: Search for “Jonni Believer” Amazon Music: Search for “Jonni Believer” Hardcopy Books on Amazon and Kindle: Search for “Dr. Steven A Wylie” MORE ABOUT US: (Who We Are): New Harvest Revival Center (The Church is located in): Stockton, California (Call us): Whatsapp +1-307-529-1594 (Visit our Web Site):


ARMAGEDDON: How to Survive & Thrive EPISODE 2 – HAVE A PLAN (AGE of INNOCENCE: ADAM & EVE) The Bible is written in several different literary styles: epistles/letters, genealogical, historical narrative, law/statutory, parable, poetry, prophecy, and proverbial/wisdom literature. While literalism is a great way of reading many of these styles, it does not work to literally read poetry, prophecy, or wisdom literature. They have to be read within the framework of their literary style. For example, Psalm 91:4 says that God “shall cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you shall find refuge.” This does not mean that God literally has feathered wings and that you will have them draped over you. It’s an analogy that He will take care of us with the same gentle care that a mama bird has on her fledglings. Dispensationalism is a method of interpreting history that divides God’s work and purposes toward mankind into different periods of time. Usually, there are seven dispensations identified, although some theologians believe there are nine. Others count as few as three or as many as thirty-seven dispensations. We will limit ourselves to the basic dispensations found in Scripture. Each dispensation has a God-ordained responsibility, stewards (people commanded to fulfill that responsibility), a failure on mankind’s part, God’s judgment, and, finally, evidence of God’s grace. Generally speaking, the transition from one dispensation in to the next dispensation will contain an over-lapping of time gradually rather than the rapid transition that we might think of on December 31 and then suddenly it is the next year. It might be helpful to think of this like the changing of our seasons from Spring in to Summer and then in to Fall, etc. These Dispensations are as follows: 1. Dispensation of Innocence 2. Dispensation of Conscience 3. Dispensation of Human Government 4. Dispensation of Promise 5. Dispensation of Law 6. Dispensation of Grace, the Church Age 7. Dispensation of Tribulation 8. Dispensation of Millennial Reign of Christ 9. Dispensation of New Beginnings Join us as we enter in to this Video Series! =============================================================== All of our Original Praise and Worships songs are licensed for use by Churches Worldwide with CCLI (Christian Copyright Licensing International) and ASCAP (American Society of Compser and Publishers). (Who We Are): La Viña de Gracia Christian Church (The Church is located in): La Calera-Bogotá, Colombia (Call us): Whatsapp +57 304-597-2740 (Visit our Web Site): https:/ (Check out our Original Music for Praise and Worship in Spanish and English): YouTube : ==================================================================== We want to say "Blessings!" to our Partners : Pastor Lori Needham Pastor Dan Roney Dr. Maria del Rosario Angarita de Rodriguez Deborah Wylie Wolfgang and Michele Bluhm Alberta "Auntie Bert" Thompson Pastors Scott and Deborah Mulvey City Church 2:42 in Fairfield, California Pastor Diana A Rodriguez-Wylie Dr. Steven A Wylie


EPISODE 3 – TRUST BUT VERIFY and NOAH’S ARK The second dispensation is called the Dispensation of Conscience, and it lasted about 1,656 years from the time of Adam and Eve’s eviction from the Garden until the Flood (Genesis 3:8–8:22). This dispensation demonstrates what mankind will do if left to his own will and conscience, which have been tainted by the inherited sin nature. The five major aspects of this dispensation are : 1. A curse on the serpent, 2. A change in womanhood and childbearing, 3. A curse on nature, 4. The imposing of difficult work on mankind to produce food, 5. The promise of Christ as the seed who will bruise the serpent’s head (Satan). Stewards: Cain and Seth and their families The Period: From man’s expulsion from the Garden of Eden until the Flood, a period of about 1,656 years Responsibility: To do good and offer blood sacrifices (Genesis 3:7, 22; 4:4) Failure: Wickedness (Genesis 6:5-6, 11, 12) Judgment: The Worldwide Flood (Genesis 6:7, 13; 7:11-14) Grace: Noah and his family are saved (Genesis 6:8-9; 7:1; 8:1) During the dispensation of Conscience, mankind only became worse and worse. Guided by conscience, man was supposed to choose to do good and approach God by means of a blood sacrifice (Genesis 4:4). It was during this time that the first physical death of mankind occurred, when Cain slew his brother Abel (Genesis 4:8). God had accepted Abel’s animal sacrifice but not Cain’s grain sacrifice. ==============================================All of our Original Praise and Worships songs are available on SongSelect and are licensed for use by Churches Worldwide with CCLI (Christian Copyright Licensing International) and ASCAP (American Society of Composer and Publishers). If you like this song would you consider forwarding it to your Worship Leader or Pastor and ask them to consider adding it to your Church’s Worship Song List? Truth matters. You can trust that our Songs are scripture-based and are Biblically, theologically and foundationally solid. The message(s) in each song is Scripturally accurate and worthy of being a “stand-alone” sermon or teaching! We are 100% Born-Again, Spirit-filled Christians and we do not support: • the ecumenical One-World One-Church Movement, • the teaching/appearance of Gold Dust or Angel’s Feathers in Church meetings, • the false doctrine of “grave sucking” or gaining spiritual power by sleeping on top of the graves of dead people, • the use of spirit tour guides, astral projections or other “strange fire” doctrines, or • the beliefs, ideologies and heresies presented by many well-known mega “churches” and musical groups. ALL of our Christian Praise and Worship Song Library is available on CCLI's Song Select in English and Spanish. If you do not find the song that you are looking for, search and look for “Artist Name” = Steven A Wylie and/or “Catalog Name = Surrendered Heart Music”. For more Information, please visit us at: (Visit our Church Web Site): CCLI Song Select (Music Only - English) : CCLI Song Select Video (English) site: CCLI Song Select Video (Spanish) site: Our Church Face Book: Our Personal Face Book: Digital Books and Study Guides: Our Church Site in Colombia: Our Church Site in Stockton, California: Pastor Diana’s Podcasts in Spanish : Spotify: Search for “Jonni Believer” Amazon Music: Search for “Jonni Believer” Hardcopy Books on Amazon and Kindle: Search for “Dr. Steven A Wylie” MORE ABOUT US: (Who We Are): New Harvest Revival Center (The Church is located in): Stockton, California (Call us): Whatsapp +1-307-529-1594 (Visit our Web Site):


EPISODE 4: Dispensations of Promise, Law and Grace The fourth dispensation, called the Dispensation of Promise, started with the call of Abraham, continued through the lives of the patriarchs, and ended with the Exodus of the Jewish people from Egypt, a period of about 430 years. Dur- ing this dispensation God developed a great nation that He had chosen as His people (Genesis 12:1–Exodus 19:25). The basic promise during the Dispensation of Promise was the Abrahamic Covenant. Here are some of the key points of that unconditional covenant: 1. From Abraham would come a great nation that God would bless with natural and spiritual prosperity. 2. God would make Abraham’s name great. 3. God would bless those that blessed Abraham’s descendants and curse those that cursed them. 4. In Abraham all the families of the earth will be blessed. This is fulfilled in Jesus Christ and His work of salvation. 5. The sign of the covenant is circumcision. In the dispensation of Promise, God works in yet another unique way with man. This dispensation begins with the call of Abraham. It is called the dispensation of “Promise” because of the covenant made with Abraham, who lived in the “land of promise” (Hebrews 6:13; 11:9). Unconditional promises, both physical and spiritual, were made to Abraham and his descendants Isaac and Jacob (Genesis 12:1-3; 15:4-21; 17:1-8; 22:15-19). Stewards: The patriarchs Abraham, Isaac and Jacob The Period: From the call of Abraham to Israel’s arrival at Mt. Sinai, a period of about 430 years Responsibility: Dwell in Canaan (Genesis 12:1-7) Failure: Dwelt in Egypt (Genesis 12:10; 46:6) Judgment: Egyptian bondage (Exodus 1:8-14) Grace: Moses the deliverer is sent (Exodus 3:6-10) ==============================================All of our Original Praise and Worships songs are available on SongSelect and are licensed for use by Churches Worldwide with CCLI (Christian Copyright Licensing International) and ASCAP (American Society of Composer and Publishers). If you like this song would you consider forwarding it to your Worship Leader or Pastor and ask them to consider adding it to your Church’s Worship Song List? Truth matters. You can trust that our Songs are scripture-based and are Biblically, theologically and foundationally solid. The message(s) in each song is Scripturally accurate and worthy of being a “stand-alone” sermon or teaching! We are 100% Born-Again, Spirit-filled Christians and we do not support: • the ecumenical One-World One-Church Movement, • the teaching/appearance of Gold Dust or Angel’s Feathers in Church meetings, • the false doctrine of “grave sucking” or gaining spiritual power by sleeping on top of the graves of dead people, • the use of spirit tour guides, astral projections or other “strange fire” doctrines, or • the beliefs, ideologies and heresies presented by many well-known mega “churches” and musical groups. ALL of our Christian Praise and Worship Song Library is available on CCLI's Song Select in English and Spanish. If you do not find the song that you are looking for, search and look for “Artist Name” = Steven A Wylie and/or “Catalog Name = Surrendered Heart Music”. For more Information, please visit us at: (Visit our Church Web Site): CCLI Song Select (Music Only - English) : CCLI Song Select Video (English) site: CCLI Song Select Video (Spanish) site: Our Church Face Book: Our Personal Face Book: Digital Books and Study Guides: Our Church Site in Colombia: Our Church Site in Stockton, California: Pastor Diana’s Podcasts in Spanish : Spotify: Search for “Jonni Believer” Amazon Music: Search for “Jonni Believer” Hardcopy Books on Amazon and Kindle: Search for “Dr. Steven A Wylie” MORE ABOUT US: (Who We Are): New Harvest Revival Center (The Church is located in): Stockton, California (Call us): Whatsapp +1-307-529-1594 (Visit our Web Site):


EPISODE 5 – TRIBULATION, ARMAGEDDON, CITY IN THE SKY, MILLENNIAL REIGN, NEW BEGINNINGS We are going to be briefly looking at the final in-the-future dispensations today, and in upcoming Episodes we will go in to more detail. Up until now, it has been relatively easy to understand the previous dispensations and their events. The upcoming Dispensations are a little more complicated to understand because they involve not ONE but TWO major battles, namely the Battle that will take place at the end of the Dispensation of Tribulation AND the Battle that will take place at the END of the Dispensation of the Millennial Reign of Christ. And … add to this the “Rapture” of the Church, and when it will happen. This is not to be confused with the Second Coming of Christ to the Earth. Plus … add to this the appearance of the New Jerusalem AND the way that the revelations of the Apostle John were described and written, especially considering that the events in the Book of Revelations are not always written in a CHRONOLOGICAL manner … you can see why there can be mis-understandings of the sequence of events! ==============================================All of our Original Praise and Worships songs are available on SongSelect and are licensed for use by Churches Worldwide with CCLI (Christian Copyright Licensing International) and ASCAP (American Society of Composer and Publishers). If you like this song would you consider forwarding it to your Worship Leader or Pastor and ask them to consider adding it to your Church’s Worship Song List? Truth matters. You can trust that our Songs are scripture-based and are Biblically, theologically and foundationally solid. The message(s) in each song is Scripturally accurate and worthy of being a “stand-alone” sermon or teaching! We are 100% Born-Again, Spirit-filled Christians and we do not support: • the ecumenical One-World One-Church Movement, • the teaching/appearance of Gold Dust or Angel’s Feathers in Church meetings, • the false doctrine of “grave sucking” or gaining spiritual power by sleeping on top of the graves of dead people, • the use of spirit tour guides, astral projections or other “strange fire” doctrines, or • the beliefs, ideologies and heresies presented by many well-known mega “churches” and musical groups. ALL of our Christian Praise and Worship Song Library is available on CCLI's Song Select in English and Spanish. If you do not find the song that you are looking for, search and look for “Artist Name” = Steven A Wylie and/or “Catalog Name = Surrendered Heart Music”. For more Information, please visit us at: (Visit our Church Web Site): CCLI Song Select (Music Only - English) : CCLI Song Select Video (English) site: CCLI Song Select Video (Spanish) site: Our Church Face Book: Our Personal Face Book: Digital Books and Study Guides: Our Church Site in Colombia: Our Church Site in Stockton, California: Pastor Diana’s Podcasts in Spanish : Spotify: Search for “Jonni Believer” Amazon Music: Search for “Jonni Believer” Hardcopy Books on Amazon and Kindle: Search for “Dr. Steven A Wylie” MORE ABOUT US: (Who We Are): New Harvest Revival Center (The Church is located in): Stockton, California (Call us): Whatsapp +1-307-529-1594 (Visit our Web Site):
EPISODE 6 –  "WHEN YOUR PLAN COMES TOGETHER: THE NEW JERUSALEM - How to Survive and Thrive the Coming Apocalypse”

EPISODE 6 – "WHEN YOUR PLAN COMES TOGETHER: THE NEW JERUSALEM - How to Survive and Thrive the Coming Apocalypse”

EPISODE 6 – “WHEN YOUR PLAN COMES TOGETHER:- THE NEW JERUSALEM" - How to Survive and Thrive the Coming Apocalypse” In our last Episode, we briefly looked at the Millennial Reign of Christ, or the Thousands Years of Christ’s Perfect Government. I want to “jump through” the details of the Millennial Reign of Christ, this 1,000 years of perfect peace and government, to the last of what the Bible records in regards to the History of Mankind. Before we go there, there is something that we have not talked about yet. And that is, “What Is God’s Plan for ReConstruction After the Battle of Armegeddon?” It would not be like the Lord to NOT have a Plan of Action … and I think we will have to talk about this in a future episode. I think it is going to have to be more detailed than simple, “We, the Church” are going to be in charge. And, I think that “We, the Church” need to be prepared and ready to “hit the ground running”. There is going to be a lot of destruction on the Earth during the last years of the Tribulation … Are We Really Ready? What will the “Great ReConstruction” look like? We will come back to the Dispensation of the Millennial Reign in one of our next Episodes. For now, let’s “Fast Forward” through these events and go to the last recorded events to take place in the History of Mankind. At the end of this time … there will be a Final Rebellion … followed by God’s Final Judgement of Fire … the Great White Throne Judgement of the Unsaved … the Destruction of Old Heavens and Old Earth … the Creation of the New Heavens and the new Earth. ==============================================All of our Original Praise and Worships songs are available on SongSelect and are licensed for use by Churches Worldwide with CCLI (Christian Copyright Licensing International) and ASCAP (American Society of Composer and Publishers). If you like this song would you consider forwarding it to your Worship Leader or Pastor and ask them to consider adding it to your Church’s Worship Song List? Truth matters. You can trust that our Songs are scripture-based and are Biblically, theologically and foundationally solid. The message(s) in each song is Scripturally accurate and worthy of being a “stand-alone” sermon or teaching! We are 100% Born-Again, Spirit-filled Christians and we do not support: • the ecumenical One-World One-Church Movement, • the teaching/appearance of Gold Dust or Angel’s Feathers in Church meetings, • the false doctrine of “grave sucking” or gaining spiritual power by sleeping on top of the graves of dead people, • the use of spirit tour guides, astral projections or other “strange fire” doctrines, or • the beliefs, ideologies and heresies presented by many well-known mega “churches” and musical groups. ALL of our Christian Praise and Worship Song Library is available on CCLI's Song Select in English and Spanish. If you do not find the song that you are looking for, search and look for “Artist Name” = Steven A Wylie and/or “Catalog Name = Surrendered Heart Music”. For more Information, please visit us at: (Visit our Church Web Site): CCLI Song Select (Music Only - English) : CCLI Song Select Video (English) site: CCLI Song Select Video (Spanish) site: Our Church Face Book: Our Personal Face Book: Digital Books and Study Guides: Our Church Site in Colombia: Our Church Site in Stockton, California: Pastor Diana’s Podcasts in Spanish : Spotify: Search for “Jonni Believer” Amazon Music: Search for “Jonni Believer” Hardcopy Books on Amazon and Kindle: Search for “Dr. Steven A Wylie” MORE ABOUT US: (Who We Are): New Harvest Revival Center (The Church is located in): Stockton, California (Call us): Whatsapp +1-307-529-1594 (Visit our Web Site):
EPISODE 7 - "IF YOU CAN NAME IT YOU CAN TAME IT" : How to Survive and Thrive the Coming Apocalypse

EPISODE 7 - "IF YOU CAN NAME IT YOU CAN TAME IT" : How to Survive and Thrive the Coming Apocalypse

EPISODE 7 - "If You Can Name It You Can Tame It : 7 Thunders + 3 Woes + 7 Bowls Means No Going Back" - How to Survive and Thrive the Coming Apocalypse Hello. I’m Pastor Steve and our Church is La Viña de Gracia, here in La Calera, Colombia, just outside of Bogotá. This is Episode Seven of our series, “Armageddon: How to Survive and Thrive in the Coming Apocalypse”. As we continue in our Series, we will need to understand what certain words, terms and description mean before we get in to the “deep parts” of Revelations. The title of this Episode is, “If You Can Name It, You Can Tame It”. In this episode we will be looking at “What Are the Seven Thunders, What are the Three Woes and What are the Seven Bowls found in Revelations?” We will also touch on the Rapture, the Abomination of Desolation in the Temple, World War 3 and the One World Government and its Fiat Currency. In this episode as well as the next several episodes, we will be talking about the events that will take place during the Dispensation of Tribulation. These events may be very disturbing to some of our viewers and members, but it is important to understand “why” the Lord has revealed these things to us in the Bible. We are in a very critical and crucial time in the history of mankind. We are literally being bombarded by propaganda and lies every minute of our waking lives. The truth has been called a lie and lies are being called truth. Join us as we continue. ==============================================All of our Original Praise and Worships songs are available on SongSelect and are licensed for use by Churches Worldwide with CCLI (Christian Copyright Licensing International) and ASCAP (American Society of Composer and Publishers). If you like this song would you consider forwarding it to your Worship Leader or Pastor and ask them to consider adding it to your Church’s Worship Song List? Truth matters. You can trust that our Songs are scripture-based and are Biblically, theologically and foundationally solid. The message(s) in each song is Scripturally accurate and worthy of being a “stand-alone” sermon or teaching! We are 100% Born-Again, Spirit-filled Christians and we do not support: • the ecumenical One-World One-Church Movement, • the teaching/appearance of Gold Dust or Angel’s Feathers in Church meetings, • the false doctrine of “grave sucking” or gaining spiritual power by sleeping on top of the graves of dead people, • the use of spirit tour guides, astral projections or other “strange fire” doctrines, or • the beliefs, ideologies and heresies presented by many well-known mega “churches” and musical groups. ALL of our Christian Praise and Worship Song Library is available on CCLI's Song Select in English and Spanish. If you do not find the song that you are looking for, search and look for “Artist Name” = Steven A Wylie and/or “Catalog Name = Surrendered Heart Music”. For more Information, please visit us at: (Visit our Church Web Site): CCLI Song Select (Music Only - English) : CCLI Song Select Video (English) site: CCLI Song Select Video (Spanish) site: Our Church Face Book: Our Personal Face Book: Digital Books and Study Guides: Our Church Site in Colombia: Our Church Site in Stockton, California: Pastor Diana’s Podcasts in Spanish : Spotify: Search for “Jonni Believer” Amazon Music: Search for “Jonni Believer” Hardcopy Books on Amazon and Kindle: Search for “Dr. Steven A Wylie” MORE ABOUT US: (Who We Are): New Harvest Revival Center (The Church is located in): Stockton, California (Call us): Whatsapp +1-307-529-1594 (Visit our Web Site):
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