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"Our Vision"

"Oh, Taste and See ... the Lord is Good!"



The Vision of New Harvest Revival Center is to bring as many lost souls to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ as possible before the soon and coming return of Jesus Christ for his Bride, the Church; and disciple and lead these souls to a place where they can recognize, hear and desire to follow the voice of the Good Shepherd, Jesus, and be able to discern his Will for his lives.

The Vision of New Harvest Revival Center should also prepare those who have been hurt by the misconduct of others, the disappointments of life and the effects of sin to receive their healings from God
and advance in their walk and serve Christ and others, His Church.

The Vision of New Harvest Revival Center requires that we train and prepare those Believers who have been entrusted to the care of this ministry to understand the nature and call of God upon their lives and to release the ministry gifts within them for service and ministry to the Body of Christ and the entire world.

Finally, the Vision of New Harvest Revival Center is one that recognizes that ALL of us must be able to look to God for direction in our own lives, and that while all are not called to the five ministries of the Church, we are called to be a WITNESS to the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

It is the Vision of this Church to help others understand the perfect will of the Lord for his life, and encourage them to seek him in that direction; whether as a minister of the Gospel, or as a businessman, or as someone called to a professional occupation, or as a student or youth, or as a mother, or as a homemaker.

The Vision teaches us that "God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to his purpose", and that "we must grow in Christ, who is the Head of the Body, being fitted and united by what each member supplies, according to the proper functioning of each individual part "and which, as a result of the Vision," makes the Body of Christ grow for the edification of itself in love.


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