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Our Projects


"Oh, Taste and See ... the Lord is Good!"


California is in SERIOUS trouble ... and YOU can help New Harvest Revival Center answer the call of God!


We have planted a Revival Family Church in the Stockton, California area.

Can you answer "YES" to any of these questions?


• Do you want to have more freedom and freedom in your praise and worship experience?

• Do you want to be involved with a Church where the Gifts of the Spirit operate freely and regularly?

• Do you want to discover your Calling and Ministry Gifts?

• Do you want to serve in your ministry gifts and callings?

• Do you have a heart for the lost and hurting people in your area?


• Are you an Intercessory Prayer Warrior?

• Are you a Worship Leader or Musician?

• Are you a singer or vocalist who wants to worship in Spirit and in Truth?

• Are you a believer who just "wants to help" in any way possible?

• Are you a professional or a businessman who wants to "work" for the Kingdom?

• Are you aware of the Biblical relationship between "Kings and Priests" (businessmen and Church leadership)?


If the Lord is leading you in this direction:

• Would you like to see a POWERFUL Movement of God in your area?

• Would you like to see a POWERFUL Move of God in your own life?

• Would you like to receive ANSWERS to your heartfelt prayers?


• CAN you invest the time required to build a new Church?

• CAN you invest the necessary efforts to build a new Church?

• CAN you invest your necessary finances to build a new Church?

• Will you commit to pray for this new Church?

• Do you want to "be all you can be" in the Kingdom?

• Will you be faithful in your efforts?



Project Details: “MISSIONS STOCKTON”

2024 PROJECT BIG REVIVAL TENT - A Call to Transform Lives and Build Hope


Unveiling the Vision:

Until we secure our own property, we will embark on creating a "more viable" solution that will cater to our growing community. Here's a glimpse into our plans:


If we are able to acquire raw land for our facilities, we will begin with the first three steps, as outlined below.  Until then, we can erect the Big Revival Tent in the parking area and erect a chain link security fencing around the facilities that will provide additional security for Visitors and those who may use our facilities at night-time, and begin with step 4.


1. Leveling and Preparing the Land: We will transform the raw landscape into a haven for spiritual revival. Witness the birth of something truly extraordinary.


2. A Foundation of Possibilities: A permeable cloth substrate will grace the ground, allowing water to nourish the earth

while keeping unwanted weeds at bay.


3. Solidifying the Base: A layer of sub-surface material, a mixture of sand and clay, will be meticulously rolled out and compacted, forming a sturdy foundation for our dreams to take root.


4. The Grand Revelation: Behold the magnificent Big Revival Tent—a semi-permanent structure that will serve as a meeting place for the faithful. Its spacious interior will echo with the voices of hope and redemption.


5. Illuminating the Way: Overhead lighting and a state-of-the-art sound system will breathe life into our gatherings, amplifying our message to touch every heart.


6. A Stage for Inspiration: A platform will grace the tent, providing a stage where lives will be transformed, talents will shine, and destinies will be realized.


7. Powering the Vision: We will connect the tent to a reliable source of electricity, ensuring that our messages of love and faith resonate far and wide.


This semi-permanent Big Revival Tent will become a crucible for our future church growth, seamlessly transitioning into a space for worship and fellowship as we work on constructing a permanent facility.


The cost benefits of the Big Revival Tent are undeniable:


1. Time Is of the Essence: Its quick installation will hasten the birth of our sanctuary, wasting no time in bringing hope to those in need.


2. A Testament to Perseverance: With a lifespan of 30 years, the tent will serve generations to come, a constant reminder of the transformative power of faith.


3. Mobility and Flexibility: Should the need arise, the tent can be easily relocated and repurposed, ensuring that its impact extends beyond our immediate community.


4. A Shelter for All: Besides hosting our regular worship services, the tent will find use in housing youth rallies and providing emergency shelter—a multifaceted solution to diverse needs.


5. Accessible to All: The cost of the tent remains relatively low, maximizing the value of your contribution and allowing us to extend our reach further.


In our journey to accommodate the ministries and worship needs of our growing congregation, we recognize the challenges ahead. The scarcity of suitable and affordable buildings in the Stockton and surrounding areas hinders our progress. Restrictive zoning laws, lack of parking, and limited space within existing structures impede the creation of the vibrant sanctuary our community deserves. However, we hold fast to our faith, knowing that our Mighty God is with us.


The needs of a thriving church may appear daunting, but we serve a God whose power surpasses our wildest imaginations. As we continue to minister to our local communities, we implore you to join us in expanding our missions and bringing light into the lives of those who hunger for hope.


Your one-time gift will be treasured, and your recurring monthly pledges and support are invaluable. We express our heartfelt gratitude for your consideration and willingness to participate.


Unveiling "Missions Stockton: Empowering Lives through Nourishment"


Project Details


Step into a world where your generosity not only fills empty stomachs but breathes new life into struggling communities. Introducing our groundbreaking initiative, the 2024 Project Help Feed the Children - Community Food Bank and Kitchen, a mission with far-reaching impact.


Your gift becomes a beacon of hope, offering more than just nutritious sustenance to hungry children and seniors. It becomes the catalyst for their journey out of the depths of despair. By providing the essential foundation of weekly meals, you pave the way for transformation, enabling them to conquer addiction, acquire vital job skills, and reshape their futures.


Embrace the opportunity to uplift these vulnerable souls and witness the profound joy and renewed faith that emerges when they discover they are not alone. Through your contribution, you proclaim, "I stand beside these children, seniors, and countless others, providing them with sustenance and vital support."


Every ounce of your generosity fuels our all-encompassing mission. In 2023, thanks to your unwavering support, we spread the Word of God when it mattered most. Now, envision the grand plans we have for 2024, as we endeavor to do even more within our church community.


While the future may hold uncertainty, our resolve remains steadfast. We invite you to join forces with us in our 2024 Campaigns, knowing that your donation propels us toward an even brighter year. Among our ambitious objectives, one stands tall:




• Within our local community, single-parent families and senior citizens face immense challenges, often lacking access to housing, food, child services, and medical care. 


• Government-sponsored central food banks are helpful, but leaving us with no choice but to purchase supplemental food and personal hygiene supplies and distribute "door-to-door" (or "tent-2-tent") ourselves.


• To streamline our operations, we urgently require a truck for efficient food and clothing pickups and deliveries.


Yet, in the face of these challenges, our unyielding faith in a mighty God persists. The needs of our growing church may appear overwhelming, but we serve a God who surpasses any challenge or requirement.


Eagerly, we anticipate the miraculous results that your unwavering support has already achieved. Together, we continue to minister to our local communities, inspiring them to actively participate in our mission's expansion.


Your single act of generosity leaves an indelible mark, while recurring monthly pledges and ongoing support are valued beyond measure. We extend our deepest gratitude for considering and joining us on this remarkable journey.


Starting a new Church requires all of us to commit our "Time, Talent and Finance" and is not an "overnight" project.

Relationships will form and develop...You will be transformed and changed...and YOU will be working alongside us as we fulfill the Call and Destiny the Lord has given us!!!

In Service to His Divine Plan,


Dr. Steven A. Wylie, Senior Pastor

Pastor Diana Rodriguez-Wylie


P.S. The work and rewards will be shared !!!



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